domingo, 5 de junio de 2016

El entierro del conde Orgaz

Title: el entierro del conde Orgaz
Author: el Greco
Year: 1587
Style: mannerism
Technique: oil on canvas
Laction: Church of Santo Tome (Toledo)

Introduction: this is a painting that is do for el Greco in 1587, the title of this painting is the entierro del conde Orgaz, have the characteristics of the period for example the clothes. In this period  the monarch is Felipe II start the counter reformation.

Analysis: el entierro del conde Orgaz is do for oil in canvas that consist in mixing pigments a based on oils a painting directly to the canvas.Utilize the light using shadows and the clarity and with the top utilize more clarity for observe the celestial part. Utilize dark colours for have more different to the celestial part. This painting is divided in two parts the top part that stay the celestial part and in the bottom stay the earthly area, for theocentism of this period stay the virgen Maria low to the cental figure and Cristo near to the virgen Maria. The function of this painting that was a charge for the church of the Santo Tome. El Greco utilize the elongation of the charcaters that form part of the mannerism. Utilize the expresivity for example in the virgen Maria. El Greco apart of this other important painting for example La trinidad, el sueño de Felipe II...

Conclusion: this is a very important painting and one of the most important painting to for el Greco, in this painting is appreciated the style of el Greco that is the mannierism and the theocentirsm of this period.

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