Title/name: "The Christ of the Clemency"
Author: Montañés.
Year: 1605.
Style: Spanish Baroque.
Technique: Polychromed wood.
Location: Cathedral of Sevilla.
General description: It is a representation of Christ in wood of Christ nailed to the rood.
This piece is called "The Christ of the Clemency". Its author is Juan Martínez Montañés. Montañés was born in Spain in 1568. Some of his most famous pieces are this one "The Christ of Clemency" and "The Inmaculate Conception" of the cathedral of Sevilla. He was a very important sculptor in polychromed wood during the Baroque period. The Baroque was an artistic style which started in Italy at the end of the 16th century and developed during the 17th and de beginning of the 18th century. This piece was made at the begining of the 17th century so it shows the characteristic of this period.
The type of sculptor is high relief. The piece is made of wood and the it was polychromed with oil.
The figure of Christ is also elongated, keeping some of the characteristic of the mannerism. He made an effort using the technique of the folds in his clothes.
It is represented the naturalism and the realism it seems like a scene in the real life. The expressiveness is also important Christ shows the pain on his face, he has his eyes between close and open and her head is inclined to one side. His skin is from a natural colour, he has not got blood in his skin only the cloves.
Also in this period it is highligted the diagonal lines and the patetic realism.
This piece is conserved in the Cathedral of Sevilla.
It has religious function. The religion determined a lot of characteristics of the Baroque. The Counter-Reform wanted to stop the Protestantism. The Church protected the artists, so the thematic of these artist is mainly religion. The subject matter is the Bible, this piece shows the moment of the crucifixion of Christ.
This piece belong to the baroque. The baroque was a period of crisis the kings give the power to his validos and there were a lot of wars mainly of religion, hunger and there was a demographic decline. This problems in economy caused social differences. This problems in the society are shown in the art of the period.
Other important artist of this period are Bernini with pieces like "Apolo and Dafne"and Gregorio Fernández with "Christ Recumbent"
This piece has been one of the most important pieces of the Baroque.
Someone from the church ordere Montañés to do this piece for its personal oratory.
It is a famous piece which has been as a reference in many places.
I like the piece and in the church of my village there is one similar piece.
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